Why gymnastics?
Studies show that youth athletes are better students, and have stronger social skill. Click HERE to read an article about the benefits of being a student-gymnast, then read the class descriptions below.
Parent Tot
Ages 18 months - 3 years
- This is a Co-Ed class
Parent Participation Required
Parent Tot is a class created to give your toddler a chance to grow hand-eye coordination. In this class parents are required to participate, so please dress accordingly.
*Independence - Must show the ability to participate without Mom and Dad's full attention or assistance.
Parent Tot > Nursery Stars > Kinder Stars> Mini Stars.

Nursery Stars
Primarily Age 3
- This is a Co-Ed class
Parent Participation Allowed
Parent participation is allowed at this level until the child is comfortable participating on their own. An adult MUST be present in the gym to assist with bathroom breaks!
Nursery stars is a class created to help your child transition from relying on his/her parents to being able to participate on his/her own. We encourage you to enjoy the class from the seating area, but please be prepared to join the class if your child is struggling.
*Independence - Must show the ability to participate without Mom and Dad's assistance.
Parent Tot > Nursery Stars > Kinder Stars > Mini Stars.
Kinder Stars
Primarily Age 4
- This is a Co-Ed class
Parent-Independent Class
Each child must be able to participate on their own and be independent for bathroom breaks. If they are not able to go to the bathroom alone, a parent MUST be present in the gym to assist with bathroom breaks!
Kinder Stars is a parent-independent class created to grow memory skills, color and shape recognition, and improves hand-eye coordination.
*Presentation - Gymnasts should remember to "Ta Da!" after completing each skill. They do not have to say the words out loud each time, but they should show the action of lifting their arms to upward diagonal with their feet together.
Parent Tot > Nursery Stars > Kinder Stars > Mini Stars

Helpful Hints:
Tips for an easy experience
1. MAKE SURE you get a confirmation email for any enrollment or party reservation you make! This is proof of your transaction in case there is a glitch in the system.
2. Double check that the birthdate and YEAR are accurate on your child's profile in your account; our classes are restricted by age, so an incorrect birth date will limit their eligibility for class enrollment. It is also good to double check that his/her name is spelled correctly.
3. As long as you received a confirmation email, the transaction was successful and your spot is saved in the system. There is no need to call or email about your pending enrollment! You can always check your enrollments in your Customer Portal account.