Why gymnastics?
Studies show that youth athletes are better students and , have stronger social skills. Click HERE to read an article about the benefits of being a student-gymnast, then read the class descriptions below.
Beginner 1 - (5-6 years)
Beginner 2 - (7-8 years)
Beginner 3- (9+ years)
Beginner 1, 2, & 3 is the 1st level in our girls' developmental recreational program for ages 5-14.
Beginner classes will focus on building self-confidence while properly developing the grass-roots tumbling and dance elements of the USA Gymnastics Artistic Gymnastics discipline.
The Beginner level has 40 skills to pass. Once the gymnast has passed 36/40 skills they will be ready for the next level, Intermediate
This class is the beginning of learning how to do gymnastics.
Intermediate 1 - (5-6 years)
Intermediate 2 - (7+ years)
Intermediate is the second level in our recreational program. Children must be ages 5+ to attend this class and must have successfully passed the Beginner level. They will build on the gymnastics and strength skills they learned in Beginners by adding additional skills and improving both strength and flexibility.
Gymnasts in this class are working on skills such as “pullovers” and “kick-overs” on their own. These skills require additional strength and flexibility. The Intermediate level has 40 skills to pass. Once the gymnast has passed 36/40 skills they will be ready for the next level, Advanced.
This class is invite only
Ages 5+
Advanced includes our third level in our recreational program. Children must be ages 5+ to attend this class and must have successfully passed the Beginner and Intermediate level.
They will build on the gymnastics and strength skills they learned in Intermediates by adding additional skills and improving both strength and flexibility. Gymnasts in this class start working on more advanced skills like handsprings and hip circles.
Each Advanced level has 45 skills to pass. Once the gymnast has passed 41/45 skills they will be ready for the next level. The gymnast may test into pre-team in November or May.
This class is invite only
Helpful Hints:
Tips for an easy experience
1. MAKE SURE you get a confirmation email for any enrollment or party reservation you make! This is proof of your transaction in case there is a glitch in the system.
2. Double check that the birthdate and YEAR are accurate on your child's profile in your account; our classes are restricted by age, so an incorrect birth date will limit their eligibility for class enrollment. It is also good to double check that his/her name is spelled correctly.
3. As long as you received a confirmation email, the transaction was successful and your spot is saved in the system. There is no need to call or email about your pending enrollment! You can always check your enrollments in your Customer Portal account.
How does she move up to the next level?:
Our regular recreational classes are first based on age upon initial sign-up, then based on ability as your gymnast becomes proficient in the curriculum.
The specifically required skills for mobility at each level are listed in each class description on this page. We also look for a willingness to follow direction, determination to push themselves (even during the repetitive basics or when it's "too easy"), and the confidence to respectfully ask questions of the coach when something is unclear, challenging, or painful.