Your gymnast's safety is #1 at Dakota Star Gymnastics!
Our SafeSport Policies
Here are links to information about SafeSport and how it impacts your gymnast, our coaches, and our club. As members of our gymnastics family, we care about your gymnast's safety and pledge to protect your child to the best of our abilities both on and off the gym floor.
Our Facility Design
We intentionally designed our facility to have limited line of sight interruptions and closed-off spaces to ensure our athletes could be safely within view of guardians or staff at all times. We have only one entrance, two public exits, and a gymnasium emergency exit, all monitored by Mandan Park District cameras.

Our staff will...
Be registered members of USA Gymnastics.
Pass a background check and take SafeSport educational courses when they are age 18+.
Interact with athletes in an age- and relationship-appropriate manner.
Not add minor gymnasts on social media.
Not transport, ride with, or spend time outside of practice with gymnasts without a parent/guardian present.
Not give gifts or rewards to gymnasts that were not a fair opportunity for their fellow classmates to earn.